
Chef Barbara Stafford

Barbara Stafford

Posts: 402 // Recipes: 164

All Recipes and Posts by Barbara Stafford

Caprese Salad takes it up a notch with Burrata

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Switch out regular ol’ fresh Mozzie with Burrata and you will have a creamy, buttery treat when your teeth sink into Caprese Salad. Burrata, tomatoes, basil and aged balsamic, easy peasy! (I found mine at Whole Foods.) more

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Huffington Post believe we need cookbooks now more than ever!

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , , , , ,

Check out this story in the Huffington Post and you will agree we cannot have too many cookbooks!   more

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NFC Championship Game Calls for Football Food

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Go Pack Go! with my Cookies and Cream Truffles turned football. Just make it according to recipe, then form a football on a flat surface, cover with melted chocolate, sprinkle with cookie crumbs and decorate with white chocolate. Serve with chocolate crackers. Good luck, Green Bay Packers! more

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