
Caprese Pinwheels

  • Yield: 10-12
  • Servings: 5
  • Prep Time: 10m
  • Ready In: 10m
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Step 1

Carefully unwrap cheese roll onto a cutting board. Spread pesto evenly over it. Slice tomato thinly using a mandolin and distribute slices evenly over pesto.

Step 2

Starting at short end, begin rolling tightly until the other end is reached. Wrap tightly in waxed paper and chill until needed.

Step 3

Spread out small plates and drizzle balsamic over each one. Slice into 10-12 pieces and serve on top of balsamic plate. Garnish with a basil leaf.

Step 4

This is a really fast and tasty small plate that received enthusiastic thumbs-up from all my guests! This mozzarella roll has SO many possibilities!