
Devil Eyes

  • Yield: 24
  • Servings: 24
  • Prep Time: 30m
  • Cook Time: 25m
  • Ready In: 60m
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Guacamole Eyes for Halloween Party


  • 12 eggs
  • 24 black olives, ends sliced off, rest reserved
  • 4 avocados, ripe
  • 1 lime
  • 1/2 cup cilantro, packed, chopped
  • 1 tomato, ripe, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/8 cup onion, diced


Step 1

Place 12 eggs in muffin tin and bake at 325 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool, crack, peel, cut in half and pop yolk out for another use (fried rice!)

Step 2

Chop off ends of olives that will become the "irises" of the dish.

Step 3

Make guacamole by mixing: avocados, juiced lime, cilantro, tomatoes, garlic, sea salt and onion. Blend well, mashing avocados while doing so.

Step 4

Place guacamole into cavity of egg and level off. Place "iris" into center of eye.

Step 5

Ta da, you have a really fun and yummy Halloween treat!

guacamole eyes

Halloween food

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