
Grilled Watermelon and Goat Cheese Appetizer

  • Yield: May use entire watermelon
  • Servings: Lots!
  • Prep Time: 45m
  • Cook Time: 3m
  • Ready In: 50m
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  • 1 medium watermelon, seedless is nice
  • 8 oz. goat cheese
  • 1/2 cup almonds, chopped and toasted with 1 T. sugar
  • Tomato Concasse:
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 2 tsp. EVOO
  • 1 tsp. red wine vinegar
  • 1/3 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
  • 1/4 cup Tawny Port wine
  • Fresh basil leaves for garnish
  • 2" biscuit cutter
  • Muffin liners, metallic lined with paper are nice


Step 1

Slice watermelon into ~1" pieces, then cut circles out of the pieces with the biscuit cutter. Repeat until you have as many as you need.

Step 2

On a hot grill, grill all sides of the watermelon "plugs" about 3 minutes. Cool, then make a small well in the top of each one using a melon baller, set aside.

Step 3

Prepare the tomato concasse by mixing: the tomatoes, EVOO, red wine vinegar and basil leaves. Set aside.

Step 4

Assemble by filling well in watermelon with a small dollop of goat cheese, tomato concasse and almonds.

Step 5

Using a straw, place in measuring cup of Port and fill about 1/2 ", then place finger on top to hold wine in straw. Hold wine over stuffed watermelon and release finger, allowing wine to trickle over ingredients. Garnish with a basil leaf and place in muffin liner. Enjoy!