
Lobster Avocado Salsa for Grilled Steak

  • Yield: 1.5 cups
  • Servings: 4
  • Prep Time: 10m
  • Cook Time: 12m
  • Ready In: 22m
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Lobster Avocado Salsa tops Grilled Steaks with Caprese Salad on the side to complete the perfect dinner


  • 3 lobster tails, uncooked
  • 1 ripe avocado, diced
  • 1 large green onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 seeded and chopped jalapeño
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • Himalayan salt and freshly ground pepper to taste


Step 1

Heat grill to high, ~400 degrees. Place lobster tails on grates, shell-side down, and brush meat with oil, butter EVOO if available. Grill 6 minutes. Flip and grill on meat side 6 more minutes. Bring inside and allow to reach room temperature.

Step 2

In a medium bowl, place diced avocado and sprinkle with lime juice to keep from darkening. Toss until avocado is well covered. Add green onion, jalapeño and toss well. Set aside.

Step 3

Once cool enough to handle, remove meat from shells and dice. Add lobster meat to avocado mixture and gently mix. Add salt and pepper to taste.With a lid on the bowl, place in refrigerator until needed.

Step 4

Grill steaks to personal preference and remove salsa from refrigerator while grilling. Scoop a generous dollop of salsa on top of each steak and serve. We enjoyed this with a Caprese Salad.

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