

  • Yield: 1 pie
  • Servings: 8
  • Prep Time: 20m
  • Cook Time: 40m
  • Ready In: 60m
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  • 21 ounce can blueberry pie filling
  • 2 T. tapioca pudding
  • zest of one lemon
  • 2 generous shakes of Saigon cinnamon
  • 2 prepared pie crusts
  • 2 grapes (for eyes)
  • 1 large apple, peeled and cored (use a hard, tart one)
  • 1 T. milk for brushing crust


Step 1

Into a 9" glass pie dish spread one crust out to edges.

Step 2

Into a medium bowl, mix pie filling, tapioca, zest and cinnamon. Pour into crust.

Step 3

Roll out second crust and cut 8 or so long, slender "legs" and place on top of blueberries and bring to edge of crust. Apple "head" will be placed where they all join each other so decide where that will be. Center, off center, back......no rules! Slice apple on side to level if necessary.

Step 4

Next, cut shape out of dough that will cover apple and includes an apron of thin tentacles. Place apple on its side on top of where legs join. Gently drape dough over apple with tentacles facing the front and snug it up around bottom edges of apple.

Step 5

Then take 2 pieces of leftover dough and mold around grape "eyes" and push onto head to attach. Brush all the crust with milk.

Step 6

Bake at 400 degrees 40 minutes total, but cover pie edges and eyes loosely with foil for the first 30 minutes of baking, then uncover for the last ten minutes.
