
Stuffed Jalapeños

  • Yield: 20
  • Servings: 10
  • Prep Time: 15m
  • Cook Time: 12m
  • Ready In: 30m
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  • 10 jalapeños, washed
  • 6 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1/2 tsp. seasoned salt
  • 1/4 tsp. ground pepper
  • 4 slices precooked microwave bacon



Step 1

Warm up broiler. Slice peppers in half lengthwise, cutting off stems and cleaning out seeds. Wear gloves or use a fork and knife to avoid getting pepper juice on fingers and in eyes!

Step 2

Roast peppers for 2 minutes under broiler, cut side down, on sprayed baking sheet. Cool.

Step 3

Mix cream cheese, seasoned salt and pepper. Spread into cavities of peppers. Place a small strip of bacon over the cheese, gently pressing it down to secure.

Step 4

Baked stuffed peppers at 350 degrees for ten minutes until hot. Serve.