
Tag: cookbook

How My Second Cookbook Literally Became “Cooking 101”

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , , , , ,

How My Second Cookbook Literally Became “Cooking 101” Thanks to the Colorado Authors’ League, I was fortunate enough to participate on a recent Cookbook Panel. We discussed our pathways to publication along with a very informal Q & A session. The Colorado Book Festival was held in downtown Denver at ... more

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Colorado Book Festival at the Denver Public Library was a Success

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , ,

Colorado Book Festival at the Denver Public Library was a Success Hundreds of bookworms came to meet Colorado authors, buy books and attend author panels throughout the day at the second annual Colorado Book Festival. Every literary genre imaginable was present at this eclectic event. I was asked to join a ... more

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Small Plates & Dainty Desserts is now available on Amazon for your Kindle

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , , ,

Amazon Kindle offers Small Plates & Dainty Desserts I love having physical cookbooks to thumb through but the eBook is SO handy! I was out the other day and decided to pick up some ingredients for an upcoming cooking class. Shoot, there was no cookbook in my car to check ... more

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