
Tag: spicy

Boilermaker Tailgate Chili

Recipe Type: , , , Cuisine:
forkforkforkforkfork Average Rating: (5 / 5)

This is the most flavorful chili I have ever eaten!

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Helpful Hint When Making Beef Kabobs

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , , , , , , , ,

Don’t you hate struggling with kabobs when attempting to turn them, only to find the food doesn’t budge? Try this – use two skewers and you will have total control! This works really well. Try this trick the next time you prepare this awesome and easy beef kabob recipe. Vegetables cooked in ... more

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Spicy Gumbo with Shrimp, Chicken and Andouille Sausage

Recipe Type: , , , , Cuisine: , ,
forkforkforkforkfork Average Rating: (5 / 5)

Add a little touch of Cajun to your kitchen!

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