
Tag: vegetable

Move over, Mashed Potatoes, and make way for Edamame Puree!

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , ,

A friend recently posted a dinner on social media she had prepared for her family. While the entire shrimp meal looked amazing, the Edamame Puree caught my eye. If you are like me, you’re familiar with Edamame as an appetizer only. This intrigued me enough that I asked if she’d ... more

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A Taste of Spring is at Your Fingertips with Leeks and Asparagus Dish

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , , , , , , ,

Leeks and Asparagus – A Taste of Spring I’d like to “leek” the secret about a delicious vegetable that is commonly found in soups. Leeks are in the onion family but are sweeter and milder. They may be used as an onion substitute in recipes. Pair them with asparagus and ... more

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Happy First Day of Spring with Phyllo-Wrapped Asparagus!

By: Barbara Stafford | 0 Comments | | Category: Blog | Tags : , , , , , , ,

Happy First Day of Spring with Phyllo-Wrapped Asparagus! Spring has officially sprung with seasonal vegetables being in abundance, like a fave of mine, asparagus. My Phyllo-Wrapped Asparagus is often the first choice of mine when planning a menu to entertain. It is not only pretty but also flavorful with interesting ... more

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